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6 weeks - Group Online Personal Training


Drop 10-30 lbs of body fat and become an energetic, in-shape role model for your kids. Doing as little as 1 workout per week, at home or in the gym, whilst still having food you actually enjoy!

The FamilyMan Framework is for you if you resonate with any of these:


You want to get great results with a minimal amount of exercise

You've got a life, so don't want to spend half of it in the gym!


You need to work on improving your energy​

So you can perform at work, keep up with the kids and generally enjoy life


You still want to be able to enjoy eating out/takeaways/etc​

Who wants to live on rice and broccoli?!


You've exercised in the past but struggled to stick to the plan

Meaning you never reached the body shape you wanted



The FamilyMan Framework isn't for you if you resonate with any of these:


You wanted to get "shredded"

Having a shredded body resonates more with you than shredded duck down the local Chinese


You've got all the time in the world

There are plenty of other workout plans out there that will use up much more of your free time!




What's The Plan?


FMF Roadmap.png


The Framework utilisies my unique SPICE resistance training method allowing you to maintain or grow some muscle via 1-2 x 40min workouts per week. 


Your nutrition will be guided by the Frameworks 3 Phase approach. Allowing you to see quick results with minimum effort and then learn how to keep to the plan for the long term. 



What's Included?



A new tailored time-efficient exercise plan every 6 weeks using my unique SPICE method so you can hit your goals with as little as 1-2 x 40min workouts per week
Access to my app so you can easily track your workouts, taking out all of the guesswork and wasted time deciding what to do
The 3 Phase Nutrition System so you can get some quick results easily and then learn how to get the end result going
2 BONUS coaching calls to use in the first 6 weeks with me so you're kept accountable, motivated and on track
Access to the FMF community so you can constantly be inspired by others in the exact same situation as you
Weekly recorded Q&A’s so you'll know exactly what you need to do and can get your exercise technique analysed
and more!



The Family Man

6 week Group PT


Then £75 per month
(cancel at any time)

Get 2 BONUS coaching calls to use in the first 6 weeks

A new tailored exercise plan every 6 weeks

(including the SPICE method)

3-Phase FMF Nutrition System

Workout app

FMF community

(lifetime access)

Weekly Q&As 


FMF knowledge centre

(lifetime access)


Still Not Sure?



If you sign up and decide that the Framework isn't for you, you can get a full refund within the first 14 days.



Hi, I'm Ollie

I was led to believe I needed to hit the gym 3 or more times a week to hit my body shape and fitness goals, I didn't have the time or energy for that.


It turns out it doesn't have to be that way!


That's why I created the FamilyMan Framework to help people like me and you, regain our energy and get in shape in as little time as possible.

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