As you are aware the situation surrounding Coronavirus is an ever evolving one, as such this document will be updated alongside any changes in Coronavirus guidance.
This document is to outline the steps that Ollie Booth Fitness (OBF) will be taking to keep us all safe. It also outlines what is expected from clients. Please note that whilst guidance will be followed, OBF cannot guarantee protection against the virus. It is important you consider this before taking part in any OBF services.
Presenting symptoms – If I present any of the Coronavirus symptoms and test positive I will follow the advice from the NHS. Self-isolate for 5 days and avoid meeting people at higher risk from Coronavirus for a further 5 days. Any Personal Training (PT) sessions or classes will be either re-scheduled or completed online if suitable.
Ventilation – For classes, windows and doors will be opened where possible. For home PT sessions I ask that the client makes considerations regarding ventilation.
Cleaning – Each piece of equipment will be cleaned before and after use.
Hand washing/sanitising – I will regularly wash or sanitise my hands.
Trainer PPE - For the time being I will continue to wear a mask in indoor settings, except for classes. I will also wear a mask during any boxing/kickboxing padwork sessions.
Presenting Symptoms – If you have any Coronavirus symptoms and test positive, although not required, it would be greatly appreciated if you could notify me.
Hand washing – Before a training session or class starts wash your hands or use hand sanitiser. Repeat at the end of the training session or class.
Masks – You are not required to wear a mask during sessions or classes.
If you have any questions surrounding this document please email
Last updated at 22:45 on 10/04/22​